Mira Nutriclinic

Take at least 20 minutes of your time to eat one meal

Take At Least 20 Minutes Of Your Time To Eat One Meal

Amid the speed we are living in, many of us tend to eat their meals quickly and unfortunately it is ruining our health! Eating quickly causes digestive disorders, bloating, indigestion and heaviness in the stomach after you finish eating. It also makes us eat unconsciously and not pay attention to the portion of food we’re consuming which is considered the main reason behind gaining weight.

Therefore, what’s the solution?

The solution would be to assign 20 minutes of your time in eating each meal for a better health and to maintain fitness. You can start this process by eating your food slowly, in other words, eating consciously and paying attention to the portions that you are eating. While doing this action, you will be giving your intestines time to send a message of satisfaction to the brain which eventually helps you control your weight. In addition to that, eating slowly is considered very beneficial to the digestive system because it prevents having any discomfort.

These steps will help you eat slowly:

  • Don’t eat your meals in front of the television or at your desk, eat them at the dining areas.
  • Devote time for eating your meals and don’t check your social media or your phone during this time.
  • Eating using a fork and knife helps in slowing down the process.
  • Chew each bite for a few seconds before swallowing it.