Mira Nutriclinic

Say NO to Calorie Counting!

Say NO To Calorie Counting!

  • “I don’t eat any type of food before calculating it’s calories.”
  • “ I can’t stop calorie counting and I feel like it is trapping me inside a prison.”
  • “Most of the meals outside are high in calories that’s why I always eat in my house.”

These are some of the terms used by people that define their situation, they often feel uncomfortable and they can’t stop calorie counting every meal they eat.

Obsessing over a number won’t help you lose weight quickly, it won’t make your life better nor will it help you manage your weight! Constantly thinking about calories will lead you to over stress and it’s considered very unhealthy to the health of the brain and the body.

This obsession takes you into two directions:

  • The first direction would be the feeling of boredom from calorie counting which leads you to consume large quantities of food that the body was deprived from.
  • The second direction will be reaching the stage of losing appetite or what’s known as Anorexia nervosa. This disease makes the body lose weight unintentionally which is considered dangerous to the health of the body.

That’s why it is so important to stop calorie counting and to learn to free your body from this prison because its side effects are very toxic to the health of the body. Also, you shouldn’t weigh your food every time you eat because it will affect you negatively too.

From now on, stop counting your calories and start with new healthy habits. For example, you can start by eating from all of the food groups in moderation, enjoy going to the restaurants every now and then without having any food restrictions, or you should try exercising at least 3 times a week in order to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mentality.